Japanese 1A Section 1 of 3

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saffirenami's avatar

Here is a list of everything I learned in section 1/3 of Greetings!

     For the most part all of this will be written in the format:
Hiragana Symbols. Romajii. English Translation.   

Hiragana Song and a Tip

  It is important to speak Japanese as often as possible and its maybe more important to use the language to do normal things like sing!  This helps you speak more fluently rather than think "oh i remember how to say bla bla bla and have to think about it every time " So this is a song that everyone taking Japanese has to sing called the Hirigana Song! (The symbols and romajii you see below are lyrics to a song but Idk how to transport audio into a Journal entry... Maybe you could just speak it or make up your own toon.:) (Smile) ) Please note I do not own this and did not create this song.
あ、い、う、え、おはよう1 a, i, u, e, ohayoo1
か、き、く、け、こんにちは2 ka, ki, ku, ke, kon'nichiwa2
さ、し、す、せ、そうしましょう3 sa, shi, su, se, soo shimashoo3
た、ち、つ、て、ともだち4 ta, chi, tsu, te, tomodachi4
な、に、ぬ、ね、のんびり5 na, ni, nu, ne, nonbiri5
は、ひ、ふ、へ、ほっかいどう6 ha, hi, fu, he, hokkaidoo6
ま、み、む、め、もうすこし7 ma, mi, mu, me, moo sukoshi7
や、い、ゆ、え、よろしく8 ya, i, yu, e, yoroshiku8
ら、り、る、れ、ろくじ9 ra, ri, ru, re, rokuji9
「わ」と「を」と「ん」で 'wa' to 'o' to 'n' de
ひらがな、おわり10。 hiragana, owari10.


  These are the hirigana symbols from the first link and the sound they make. Later in there will be more symbols but this is all you need to memorize for now. 
あ a
え e
い i
お o
う u
か ka
け ke
き ki
こ ko
く ku
さ sa
せ se
そ so
す su
し shi

Misc Vocab!

  Here are some random vocab words that you should study. See if you can notice some connections to the song (i.e. focus on the sounds the symbols make - hint hint).
  1. ともだち tomodachi friend
  2. のんびり nonbiri leisurely
  3. よろしく yoroshiku nicely
  4. ろくじ rokuji six o'clock
  5. おわり owari end
  6. どこ doko where
  7. なん nan wat

Places To Know

ほっかいどう Hokkaidou
  a northern island of Japan
おおさか Osaka
  A Port city on Southern Honshu on Osaka Bay. It is the commercial and industrial center of Japan.
きょうと Kyoto
  A city in central Japan on Southern Honshu that is famous for being a cultural center and was once the Capital of Japan.
とうきょうだいがく Tokyo Daigaku 
  One of the oldest Universities in Tokyo.
ひろしま Hiroshima
  A port city located on the Southwestern coast of Honshu Japan famous for an atomic bomb that was dropped there in WWII by the US.
とうきょう Tokyo
  The current Capital of Japan.

Conversational Phrases

ありがとう Arigato Thank you
もうすこし mousukoshi little bit more
はじめまして hajime mashite Nice to meet you
どうぞ よろしく Douzoyuroshiku Pleased to meet you
そうしましょう soo shimashoo Let's do it.

A List of Greetings

あいさつ Aisatsu Greetings
おはよう Ohayoo Good Morning (casual - family/friends)
おはようございます  Ohyoo gozaimasu Good Morning (formal - teachers/coworkers)
こんにちは Kon'nichiwa Good Day
こんばんは Konbanwa Good Evening

A List of Farwells

さようなら Sayoonara Good Bye (casual - family/friends)
しつれいします shitsureeshimasu Good Bye (Formal - Teachers/coworkers)
また あした Mata ashita See you tomorrow!
じゃあ また Jaa Mata See you/See you again/See you later
ばいばい bai bai bye bye

Key Questions

Note: … is a filler-in for (name here) or (place here) because those started to look confusing.:o (Eek) .

Where are you from?

  1. しゅっしんは どこですか。Shussinn wa doko desu ka Where are you from
  2. です ...desu Im from...
  3. どこに すんでいますか Doko ni sunde imasu ka Where do you (does someone) live?
  4.  …に すんでいます …ni sunde imasu I live (someone lives) in …
  5. すんでいます Sunde imasu  live in, to

What is your name?

1 おなまえは なん ですか Onnamae wa nan desuka  What is your name?
2 おなまえは Onamae wa?  Your name?
3 …です …desu  {My name} is
---NOTE: the phrase "です"  means "is" meaning you say "what is your name?" and someone would respond "is…" but because in English we probably would say "My name is" I added that~
たなかさん -san deska?  Are you mr/mrs...

Titles and Family Related Vocab

しゅっしん Shuntsu shin birth place
なまえ Namae name
こども Kodomo child
わたし watashi I
ぼく Boku I (male)
おんな On'na Woman
おとこ Otoko Man
さん San Mr/Mrs
せんせい Sensei Teacher
です desu is/am/are
ひと ___ person
Note: Unfortunately I do not have the proper proper pronunciation for "ひと" or "person" yet but I will update this journal as soon as i do.


Ok so I found these terms in the section one Dictionary but have no idea where they are used yet so if you don't get it don't feel bad neither do I and I'm posting it.
  1. に ni place (in at on) {particle}
  2. か ka question marker {particle}
  3. は wa topic marker {particle}
  4. の No possessive marker (of 's) {particle}

's Update/Instructions/Note(s)/Ext.

 Holy crap this took me FOREVER :o (Eek) !!!! I hope this is useful to someone sometime because other wise I will feel like I wasted a TON of time.  I am going to try and keep emoticons out of the learning text for now to help focus but down here you will see random crap bouncing and on lit fire!  Just because I love emoticons and lost my seriousness:jumpandexplode: like dis guy!
 :happybounce:Bounce :bounce: Roll-bounce unicycle bounce :bounce: Bounce again :FeelingFree: :BOUNCE: I haz pizza Animal cruelty :cryingla: Everybody bounce with me 
:kiwf:I'm on fire! :angry: Fireworks robot emoticon :fire: Spirit Archer Anti-glomp bot :overwhelmed: Just Watering the Dead Guy SUPPRESSIVE FIRE Firelite-photo 
 I made flash cards of all these notes to study them but I will look for more quizzlet links for you guys. I like using quizzlet for this because quizzlet lets you do a bunch of stuff so it should work for a lot of different people but if there is another site you want me to use i'll be happy to add links for it to :D (Big Grin) Any ideas or advice are welcome!

PS: Did you notice that there are exactly 69 vocabulary words and phrases here (not counting the song because that's not a vocab rather its a song)??? LOL!
I am a dummy! I am a dummy! 
PPS: Dis is wat Ima listening to! (now if I forget how to find it I can go here :happybounce: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWYT9Z… and I think its just good studying and jamming music you peps might enjoy - Nightstep)
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Siara-chan's avatar
This is really helpful! I don't think I'll learn hiragana but the romanji stuff is helpful, I remembered some things I already know (since these are still simple, beggining and very often used in animes) hehe ^^